Movie Review: The Amazing Spider-Man (mild spoilers)

It might be hard to argue the necessity of an origin story for a superhero who already had one on film not all that long ago, but even though The Amazing Spider-Man doesn’t revolutionize main hero Peter Parker’s past, the movie usually gets its genre basics right while boasting some significant improvements over director Sam Raimi’s franchise works.

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Movie Review: Howl’s Moving Castle (mild spoilers)

A wonderful fairy-tale adaptation from Studio Ghibli, Howl’s Moving Castle is a visually amazing film that deals in themes of love, war, and trust in a setting where magic and technology sometimes go hand in hand. The storytelling sometimes tries to do too much and doesn’t always juggle its various plot threads well, but even with the film’s many oddities, it’s more than gorgeous enough to make up for its narrative shortcomings.

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Movie Review: The Robe

The Robe is a fictionalized account of a Roman soldier whose life is forever changed when he wins Jesus’ robe at the latter’s crucifixion (an event mentioned in passing in Matthew 27:35). The movie’s Oscar-winning costumes and art direction look amazing sixty years after the film was made, but its most important success by far is its wonderfully humane storytelling.

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