About the Author

I graduated from East Tennessee State University in 2010, holding a hard-earned Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, and ever since then I’ve been searching for my place in the world.  I love playing video games, spending time with friends, and living life in Christ, learning to take each day as it comes.  This blog was born of a personal love of elaborate and well-written movie reviews, and so I want to help the reader understand not just how I feel about a movie but why I feel that way.

10 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog as well! Your blog seems very interesting, too, and I like your reviews because you write really well and have sharp observations about movies. And good to know that I have a look-alike somewhere in the world. 🙂

    • Thank you so much for your kind words! =D Yeah, I try to write my reviews with as much detail as possible, out of protest against movie reviews I’ve personally seen that are about as long as one or two of my posts’ individual paragraphs.

  2. I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award, it’s basically a metablogging thing. If you want to participate, the rules and questions are here http://wp.me/p2Xeqk-qo. If you don’t feel like it, just take it as a sign that I like your blog ^_^

  3. Hi,
    My name is Lauren and I’m a writer for Spoon University. I was hoping to get permission from you to use the ratatouille photo, of course credits would be included.
    Thanks in advance,

    • Thank you so much for asking! None of the pictures are actually mine, so feel free to use them and credit Disney and Pixar, as well as the sources I mention at the bottom of my review. Have a wonderful day!

    • You are so kind, and thank you so much! I will be glad to accept this, on the condition that I can see what the relevant parts of the essay look like (so I can see what my citation will look like in context).

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