Movie Review: Iron Man 2

I recently came to the conclusion that if I only post reviews of movies I really like, this movie blog isn’t going to seem very balanced, even if that means I have to import more reviews I’ve already written.  Here is a review of one of my biggest disappointments of 2010, Iron Man 2.  I deeply disliked this movie not because of what it was but because of what it could have been and was not.  I honestly feel that this movie had more plot potential than even The Dark Knight had, and yet for me Iron Man 2 squandered pretty much every drop of substance it had.


What on earth happened?

I truly loved the first “Iron Man” film; I was willing to forgive and overlook its simplistic plot and poor pacing due to the film’s amazing special effects and action scenes. “Iron Man 2,” however, is inferior to the first in pretty much every conceivable way. Continue reading

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1

In retrospect, I’m not sure if my review of Deathly Hallows: Part 2 can be considered complete without the companion review for Part 1, much like how I feel about the movies themselves.  I would like to revise this review to include more plot detail, but considering this is the seventh film in an eight-part series, this would be difficult for me to do without including spoilers.


This is an absolutely phenomenal film.   It is my favorite film in the franchise and is one of my favorite films of 2010, a powerful year for movies overall.  (In retrospect, after having seen Deathly Hallows: Part 2, it’s very difficult for me to decide which of those two movies is my favorite of the franchise.  They both have very powerful and very distinct strengths, as discussed in the second film’s review.) Continue reading

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

I had originally posted this review on my Facebook, back when I couldn’t make up my mind about whether to keep my reviews on that site or to start my own review blog, since I don’t have the money to see new movies very often.  I don’t intend to transfer all of my reviews here, as they would be much too numerous, nor do I know whether I will migrate any more of my reviews.  Regardless of this, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2” has easily been my favorite movie of 2011 so far and one of my favorite films of all time.  I hope it delights you as much as it did me.


“Harry Potter’s STUPID!” my ten-years-younger self had become adamantly convinced.  At the time when the first movie was preparing for its American release, my cousins and their parents were already heavily invested in the books, while I knew next to nothing about them except that they couldn’t possibly interest me.  My parents and I ended up watching the first movie with my cousins and some other relatives anyway, and all I could think about as I left the movie theatre was how impressed and surprised I was.  That really was a great story after all! Continue reading

Why I Write

This is to be a collection of personally written movie reviews, and this project is driven by two loves of mine:  The first is a fondness for writing.  The second is naturally a fondness for movies.

To be effective in conveying one’s thoughts in words, I believe that those words must have love and conviction.  I have a deeply rooted love of expressing my thoughts, and there are few things in life that satisfy me as much as a detailed collection of musings.  It discourages me to see people try to convince others with only the most minimal and bare-bones arguments, and so I try to convey not just how I feel about something but why I feel the way I do.  If I can’t make my views seem as reasonable and well-explained as possible, what’s the point of sharing them? Continue reading