[Happy New Year!] Knives Out

Knives Out - film poster - property of Lionsgate, Media Rights Capital, and T-Street - sourced from https://collider.com/knives-out-review-rian-johnson/

Director and writer Rian Johnson returns to the suspense-thriller genre with a quirky, modern murder mystery filled with gorgeous settings and plenty of humor. I had my doubts upon learning Johnson was involved, especially in light of this film’s incredibly high amount of critical praise—Star Wars: The Last Jedi was exciting but felt unfocused, and Looper felt like two very different and very poorly conjoined films—but Knives Out is a tremendous improvement, being simple and mostly straightforward to follow, almost to excess in a mystery movie. Despite the near-endlessly amusing characterization often being sent to tactless or vulgar extremes, the comedic elements complement the brisk story and surrounding drama without ever feeling disruptive.

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