Dedicated Review: Disney’s Frozen (2013)

Walt Disney Pictures - Frozen 2013 - movie poster - from

(Happy new year! I had to get around to writing this eventually. I had planned to open 2015 with this film right away, but since I wound up being busy, I decided to dedicate this review to a friend who loved the movie and to post my own thoughts as close to his anniversary as possible. Enjoy!)

Frozen is foremost a love story, but not so much of the romantic sort; the truer and more skillfully written centerpiece is the sisterly relationship that lead characters Elsa and Anna share. While the former primarily sets the plot’s events into motion, the movie largely emphasizes the latter’s selfless attempts to provide physical and emotional support for her sibling, regardless of what happens to be in the way (which sometimes includes Anna’s own behavior). Regardless of Frozen’s few issues with structure and focus, it is a compelling and fun story from start to finish that is well worth checking out no matter the season.

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