Movie Review: Spider-Man 3 (marked spoilers)

(Spider-Man 3 was another movie I’d wanted to get around to writing a review for, but I had simply never gotten around to it.  The desire to do so has been eating at me, and the news that my best friend had begun following my blog motivated me to finally finish this review as best as memory and research will allow, as I believe this is one of her favorite films.) Continue reading

Movie Review: United 93

(Goodness, it’s been a while since I updated!  Sorry about that; I’ve just been a horrible procrastinator lately.  Today I have two new reviews that I hope you will enjoy.)


United 93 is going to be a very interesting movie to review.  There is little to nothing in the way of a traditional “plot,” the people in the movie hardly even have names (none of them, of friends or foes, come readily to mind), and there is very little exposition.  The movie’s storytelling is about as simple as it gets.  We see four hijackers getting ready to perform their deeds, and we see flight attendants, air traffic controllers, passengers, and other airport personnel getting ready to go about what should be an ordinary day. Continue reading